Welcome! Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself
In which I, Irreverent Rachel, explain why this site exists.
If someone asked how long it took me to create this labor of love … I would answer 6 months, or 2 years, or a decade, or a lifetime, depending on your point of view.
I have always written and always wanted to write, but in my 20s quickly realized writing as a career wouldn’t pay off college debt, get me out of the red, or allow me to support my parents (as I knew they would need).
In 2011 I was given the gift of something to write ABOUT, namely the amateur eldercare expertise I developed over the last 10 years.
In 2019 I started working with a writing coach who challenged me to deliver a TED-style talk on my elder experiences. And six months ago her platform-building course inspired the structure into which I poured all my irreverent insights.
To offset the delirium caused by manic creative-making around the edges of “real” life, I have buoyed myself with fantasies of conversations to come about This Is Getting Old. Like with my irreverent idols Anne Lamott and David Sedaris. And the ladies who inspired me to take my first foray into the visual arts: Roz Chast, Allie Brosh, and Amber Dusick. And most of all, with the accomplished literary and end-of-life aficionados Ellen Goodman and Atul Gawande. But enough about all the people I’m going to try and woo with a guest appearance on my podcast!
Some housekeeping items (disguised as FAQs)
Irreverent Rachel, why do you swear so much?
Based on family lore, my disregard for propriety was noticeable as soon as I could talk. Blame it on being the youngest, or just being brilliant.
Irreverent Rachel, why are you so drawn to the dark side?
I was going to call it a coping mechanism developed over countless intense life experiences. But according to the Googles, it might also just be because I’m brilliant.
Irreverent Rachel, why do you refer to your readers as Sh*t S*sters and S*blings?
I’ll be honest, I was inclined toward addressing the whole site to my Sh*t S*ster comrades in arms since statistics show more than 75% of all caregivers are female, and spending as much as 50% more time providing care than males. But in the spirit of being egalitarian, I acknowledge and honor anyone and everyone in the eldercare trenches.
Irreverent Rachel, how often will we hear from you?*
As of Summer 2021 I shifted to one robust end-of-month content offering that includes an Irreverent Insight, Anecdote, and Audio. Along the way I will continue to add worthy material to the hundreds of resources on my website pages, which includes crowd-sourcing reviews and recommendations from all of you. If you subscribe to my newsletter (below) you will receive all the new goodness at once, including upcoming eldercare events.
Coming Soon: I’m using the time I’m taking back to build and offer other stuff. Stay tuned!
Irreverent Rachel, are you for hire?
I have worked diligently to sprinkle my site with disclaimers so a) none of you sue me and b) no one misunderstands my offerings. That said, since I am obsessed with helping caregivers shorten their eldercare learning curve and avoid reinventing the wheel, feel free to Contact Me and I will gladly try to give guidance. You are also welcome to complete my Elder Caregiver Survey to inform my offerings.
In conclusion, I hope you find my site so inspiring you shout, “I laughed! I cried! It’s better than Cats!” ... which, let’s face it, is mild praise given Broadway has been shuttered for a year.
Off to catch up on 6 months — or 2 years, or a decade — of self-care.